Daily Aquarius Horoscope April 30 (30/04)
Jan 20 − Feb 18
Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer
April 30
daily aquarius horoscope:
daily aquarius horoscope:
Star 9/10
it might be increasingly clear how support, advice or encouragement are being asked for from you and youd have no hesitancy in offering any of the above if you were more reassured than you are that you wont be a perpetual problem-solver. If you feel at least one person in your world ought to be taking more responsibility for their actions, then nows a good time to speak up, lest they continue to believe youll always be there to bail them out.
Read more...Star 9/10
A glimmer of hope or reason to believe a plan or project is on track shouldnt be ignored or dismissed but neither should it be a reason to become too excited and start donning the rose-tinted glasses. Whether youve been proved correct or your proposed strategy is bearing the first signs of fruit sooner than you or possibly others thought, you have a superb foundation to build upon. Theres still much work to be done but you probably knew that!
Read more...Star 7/10
This week, take a close look at certain conclusions youve reached recently and are continuing to reach. Are they being made in a cold, almost calculating, way? Youre right to be applying logic to what needs resolving but logic needs to be balanced with what your heart is telling you and this could be the reason for potential conflict during coming days. Make an effort to think less and feel more. Dont ignore what your sensible and practical side is telling you but dont allow it to have too loud a voice, either. Its equally important this week to do what feels right as well.
Read more...Star 8/10
People skilled in the art of persuasion know that, to get someone to respond in a particular way, a seed must be planted in the mind of the person theyre trying to persuade. The plan surrounds the person being persuaded to believe the persuaders idea to be their own. Its not the cleverest option if the persuader didnt bother to ask in a polite, sensitive and enthusiastic way for someone to simply do what they want to them to do. This month, save yourself time and stress by asking someone what you need them to do. Theres no need to beat around the bush or try to be overly clever.
Read more...Star 8/10
You can organize your life to fit your needs, the options are there for the taking. If ever the planets were encouraging you realize that you are in the driver\s seat, it is now. To bring the challenge down to a more tangible level, try challenging yourself to a more demanding physical routine. This could mean anything from starting to exercise for the first time in your life to deciding this is the year you will run a marathon. Either way, you are taking control.
Read more...Star 8/10
Today\s planetary alignment is there to encourage you in your pursuit of truth. This is like the Hollywood starlet carrying out the director\s wishes with perfection and grace, creating something sublime. In other words, act out your fantasies! Remember that in order to do this successfully, you must plan. A great thing to plan is the meals you will eat in a week. Plan all of them (or up to 5 days worth) at the start of each week. You will reap enormous benefits: physically, emotionally and financially.
Read more...Star 9/10
It\s possible that you\re asking yourself some powerful questions that could have a big effect on the way you feel. You\re certainly in the mood to cut back on any activity that asks too much of you. The cosmos is still encouraging you to reach a natural equilibrium. Go for it
Read more...Star 9/10
This is the month to nurture yourself by enjoying a few spa days, massages, and other options for self-care. The lively focus on Taurus is perfect for becoming more physical and connected with your body. Exercise like dance, aerobics, swimming, or even walking in nature can all help you ground your energy in a practical, positive way. You may also be seeking new options and ideas to improve your well-being. Reading books and surfing online could reveal a lot of information, but a personal trainer might be able to bring it all together for you.
Read more...Star 7/10
You usually prefer a more subtle approach, and find it difficult to be loud and ostentatious. The movement of the planets today suggests that someone close to you has been very demanding, and in order to not to be swallowed by the sheer force of their neediness you will have to extremely firm and possibly rude. Although this is not your style, there is a time and place for everything.
Read more...Star 7/10
Although you generally prefer harmony to discord, the current astral configuration encourages you to make your point rather than taking it on the chin. Your love interest may be insisting that you take a certain course of action, not because you want to, but because they want you to. This naturally is causing you to feel resentful. You will just have to tell them the truth about how you feel.
Read more...Star 9/10
You\ve never done things the easy way, so why start now? Someone new is worth pursuing at the start of the week even if you have to do some pretty unusual things to get his or her attention. A fun romantic moment toward the end of the week has the potential to turn into more, but do you really want it to? Sometimes it\s more fun to think about \"what if\" than to know for sure what really happened.
Read more...Star 10/10
When Jupiter opposes the Sun on April 7, it\s nice to have a wingman or woman to bail you out. You can handle things on your own, but your tendency to excess will benefit from an objective safety switch. The Taurus Sun on April 19 helps you form a stable foundation on which to build a new relationship. A friendship that turns into more has solid potential. A Mercury/Saturn trine on April 24 helps you fix some past mistakes, but second chances can come with strings. Is trying to redo the past with an ex worth the risk of sabotaging a new relationship in the future?
Read more...Star 10/10
Your mind is clear and sharp, but every once in a while, you get lost in a dream world and can\t seem to find your way back to reality. Don\t pressure yourself to step down to reality at this time. Instead, you should take this time to dream.
Read more...Star 7/10
Your constant apprehension regarding the workweek ahead is spoiling your enjoyment of the present moment. Don\t get caught in this difficult position. There is no sense in worrying about tomorrow. Let it come, and be fearless when it does.
Read more...Star 9/10
This time begins a long period that can bring important new contacts to improve your prospects. Focus on practical matters and work alone as much as possible. Be conservative when estimating the time a job will take. There\s a strong possibility that you\ll have to adjust your expectations later. Enthusiasm for your work is most attractive. Your ability to clearly explain things to a customer or co-worker will be appreciated.
Read more...Star 9/10
On April 10, the Full Moon could deliver a disappointing legal decision. It might be necessary to adopt a different strategy in order to make a project comply with the law. Trying to fight a government regulation will be a waste of valuable time, money, and resources. It\s better to work within the parameters of the rules you\ve been given. The New Moon on April 26 will bring an emotionally satisfying assignment. Helping others has always been one of your specialties. You\ll enjoy devising systems to give people more access to reliable resources. Be ready to overhaul antiquated systems and flawed policies.
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