Daily Libra Horoscope May 22 (22/05)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

May 22


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 8/10

Creating or restoring balance in a particular relationship needs all superficial chitchat removed from any discussions. You want more meaning and depth to whats conveyed and wont be satisfied until a certain person understands and connects with your desire to do more than scratch the surface. Where a certain exchange is concerned, it might be up to you to set the parameters.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your powers of persuasion are strong and, with less effort than youre used to having to make, you can talk yourself in or out of anything with anyone. Whilst this enhanced ability might be short-lived, youll still need to ensure whatever youre saying is underpinned with honesty. If a hidden agenda exists to get someone on your side, then you can be certain this will be transparent. Use your power for good, not evil.


summary libra weekly

Star 7/10

This week, dont underestimate the power of your intuition, particularly surrounding a plan of action that feels right. Whilst you appear to have someone able to offer input and support, a decision rests more on your shoulders and needs you to dig deeply into your reserves of insight to decide a specific way forward. An agreement might need to be reached about whats yours and whats someone elses but if your actions are based on what you believe to be right and fair, you wont go wrong.


summary libra monthly

Star 7/10

Communication within partnerships becomes smoother and more productive and if a barrier has prevented you and a certain person from making progress or a joint decision, then exchanges become more productive from early May. A Full Moon on the 10th brings a positive development where earnings or finances are concerned. A new source of income or generous payout is likely. With focus then occurring between mid-May and early May on joint finances and investments, you and someone close might come up with a clever moneymaking scheme.


health libra daily

Star 10/10

You feel a bit destabilized by today\s planetary position. Your usual way of dealing with things may not work for you now. This is only temporary! Communication might prove more challenging than normal. Don\t give up on your regular physical routine during this time of slight befuddlement - it is what will keep you on the most comfortable path available to you right now. Try to accept that things aren\t exactly to your liking and keep your regular exercise schedule.


health libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

The planets are in a favorable position now, producing no small amount of mysterious steam heat! In other words, be careful about your aim these days, for you might not have a very clear view of what you want. Instead, look within for direction and listen to your body for important messages. Usually your body tells you what it needs when you care to listen. To tune in to your body, be sure to get a workout at least three times a week!


health libra weekly

Star 9/10

Your enthusiasm for good health and a fit body is about to reach a new level. This isn\t just about feeling great. It\s also about looking fantastic and feeling great about yourself and your life. Whatever you\re doing, don\t burn yourself out. You may want to take it to the limit, but spare a thought for your body.


health libra monthly

Star 10/10

It might take the constant nagging of close friends or a partner to encourage you to look after your health. With Neptune in your wellness sector, you may tend to drift in and out of health clubs or the gym and find it difficult to stick to a steady routine. However, if someone is prepared to take you under their wing and help you stay focused, you could begin to feel much better. This isn\t the time to attempt to do things alone, especially when others can introduce you to ideas that could help you achieve all your fitness goals for this year.


love libra daily

Star 10/10

The current astral configuration may leave you somewhat tongue-tied today. If you are going out on a first date, then you could find it difficult to know what to talk about, which is an unusual state of affairs for you. You may find that the best answer, apart from consuming copious amounts of alcohol, is to forget about yourself and focus on your partner (current or prospective), and their wants and needs.


love libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

The current planetary alignment may induce a slightly dour atmosphere if you are going out tonight. You may be feeling more detached from your emotions, and therefore unable to spread your usual warmth and cheer. But then others will be going through the same thing. If you are going out on a date, it needn\t be a total disaster; it just may take a while to get going.


love libra weekly

Star 8/10

Are friends telling you that your standards are too high or that you\re willing to settle too quickly? Choose your next partner for the qualities you like about them and try to block out what anyone else says. You have a fun sense of play over the weekend, which can make you a very desirable date. You don\t take things too seriously, and that is a huge plus on a first date.


love libra monthly

Star 9/10

Your love life is nicely in balance while the Moon is in Libra on May 7 and May 8. You may not have everything in its exact place right now, but you\re working on it. A Saturn/Uranus trine on May 19 opens the door to creativity and inventiveness, and it won\t be long until you attract someone new with the same interests. You\re covering new ground in a familiar way, and the results are impressive. A Venus/Pluto square on May 25 uncovers some complicated but manageable relationship situations. Watch out for a third party who wants to cause problems, and head them off at the pass.


career libra daily

Star 7/10

Now is your chance to get out some of the pent up anger and frustration that you have surrounding your career. Others are happy to listen and provide you with the sympathy and understanding that you are looking for. Feel free to open up and share.


career libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

You may feel as if you are giving a performance. You are on stage and everyone is watching. You can handle it. You have no problem going form one situation to the next with great ease and poise. Hold your head high and keep your chin up.



Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

May 22


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 8/10

Creating or restoring balance in a particular relationship needs all superficial chitchat removed from any discussions. You want more meaning and depth to whats conveyed and wont be satisfied until a certain person understands and connects with your desire to do more than scratch the surface. Where a certain exchange is concerned, it might be up to you to set the parameters.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your powers of persuasion are strong and, with less effort than youre used to having to make, you can talk yourself in or out of anything with anyone. Whilst this enhanced ability might be short-lived, youll still need to ensure whatever youre saying is underpinned with honesty. If a hidden agenda exists to get someone on your side, then you can be certain this will be transparent. Use your power for good, not evil.


summary libra weekly

Star 7/10

This week, dont underestimate the power of your intuition, particularly surrounding a plan of action that feels right. Whilst you appear to have someone able to offer input and support, a decision rests more on your shoulders and needs you to dig deeply into your reserves of insight to decide a specific way forward. An agreement might need to be reached about whats yours and whats someone elses but if your actions are based on what you believe to be right and fair, you wont go wrong.


summary libra monthly

Star 7/10

Communication within partnerships becomes smoother and more productive and if a barrier has prevented you and a certain person from making progress or a joint decision, then exchanges become more productive from early May. A Full Moon on the 10th brings a positive development where earnings or finances are concerned. A new source of income or generous payout is likely. With focus then occurring between mid-May and early May on joint finances and investments, you and someone close might come up with a clever moneymaking scheme.


health libra daily

Star 10/10

You feel a bit destabilized by today\s planetary position. Your usual way of dealing with things may not work for you now. This is only temporary! Communication might prove more challenging than normal. Don\t give up on your regular physical routine during this time of slight befuddlement - it is what will keep you on the most comfortable path available to you right now. Try to accept that things aren\t exactly to your liking and keep your regular exercise schedule.


health libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

The planets are in a favorable position now, producing no small amount of mysterious steam heat! In other words, be careful about your aim these days, for you might not have a very clear view of what you want. Instead, look within for direction and listen to your body for important messages. Usually your body tells you what it needs when you care to listen. To tune in to your body, be sure to get a workout at least three times a week!


health libra weekly

Star 9/10

Your enthusiasm for good health and a fit body is about to reach a new level. This isn\t just about feeling great. It\s also about looking fantastic and feeling great about yourself and your life. Whatever you\re doing, don\t burn yourself out. You may want to take it to the limit, but spare a thought for your body.


health libra monthly

Star 10/10

It might take the constant nagging of close friends or a partner to encourage you to look after your health. With Neptune in your wellness sector, you may tend to drift in and out of health clubs or the gym and find it difficult to stick to a steady routine. However, if someone is prepared to take you under their wing and help you stay focused, you could begin to feel much better. This isn\t the time to attempt to do things alone, especially when others can introduce you to ideas that could help you achieve all your fitness goals for this year.


love libra daily

Star 10/10

The current astral configuration may leave you somewhat tongue-tied today. If you are going out on a first date, then you could find it difficult to know what to talk about, which is an unusual state of affairs for you. You may find that the best answer, apart from consuming copious amounts of alcohol, is to forget about yourself and focus on your partner (current or prospective), and their wants and needs.


love libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

The current planetary alignment may induce a slightly dour atmosphere if you are going out tonight. You may be feeling more detached from your emotions, and therefore unable to spread your usual warmth and cheer. But then others will be going through the same thing. If you are going out on a date, it needn\t be a total disaster; it just may take a while to get going.


love libra weekly

Star 8/10

Are friends telling you that your standards are too high or that you\re willing to settle too quickly? Choose your next partner for the qualities you like about them and try to block out what anyone else says. You have a fun sense of play over the weekend, which can make you a very desirable date. You don\t take things too seriously, and that is a huge plus on a first date.


love libra monthly

Star 9/10

Your love life is nicely in balance while the Moon is in Libra on May 7 and May 8. You may not have everything in its exact place right now, but you\re working on it. A Saturn/Uranus trine on May 19 opens the door to creativity and inventiveness, and it won\t be long until you attract someone new with the same interests. You\re covering new ground in a familiar way, and the results are impressive. A Venus/Pluto square on May 25 uncovers some complicated but manageable relationship situations. Watch out for a third party who wants to cause problems, and head them off at the pass.


career libra daily

Star 7/10

Now is your chance to get out some of the pent up anger and frustration that you have surrounding your career. Others are happy to listen and provide you with the sympathy and understanding that you are looking for. Feel free to open up and share.


career libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

You may feel as if you are giving a performance. You are on stage and everyone is watching. You can handle it. You have no problem going form one situation to the next with great ease and poise. Hold your head high and keep your chin up.


career libra weekly

Star 9/10

The energy now is quite positive. Be grateful for what you have and generous with others. It would be a mistake to try to manipulate the people or situations you deal with daily. Someone may need to be the center of attention. Be sure it isn\t you! Unrealistic expectations can threaten good relations. Working as part of a team will be most effective. Don\t hesitate to take charge when facing obstacles.


career libra monthly

Star 8/10

A big paycheck could be coming your way around May 10. You\ll be able to use this money to do some household repairs or put a down payment on a new place. If you\ve been negotiating a salary increase, you should get positive news during the first half of the month. On May 25, there\s a good chance you\ll be sent on a business trip. Signing a new client will make you the superstar in your organization. If you have your own business, you\ll be able to forge a deal with a foreign-based company. This arrangement will be extremely profitable for both parties.

relative; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: baseline; width: auto;"> career libra weekly

Star 9/10

The energy now is quite positive. Be grateful for what you have and generous with others. It would be a mistake to try to manipulate the people or situations you deal with daily. Someone may need to be the center of attention. Be sure it isn\t you! Unrealistic expectations can threaten good relations. Working as part of a team will be most effective. Don\t hesitate to take charge when facing obstacles.


career libra monthly

Star 8/10

A big paycheck could be coming your way around May 10. You\ll be able to use this money to do some household repairs or put a down payment on a new place. If you\ve been negotiating a salary increase, you should get positive news during the first half of the month. On May 25, there\s a good chance you\ll be sent on a business trip. Signing a new client will make you the superstar in your organization. If you have your own business, you\ll be able to forge a deal with a foreign-based company. This arrangement will be extremely profitable for both parties.

