Daily Libra Horoscope December 26 (26/12)
Sep 23 − Oct 22
Alias: Alias: The Scales
December 26
daily libra horoscope:
daily libra horoscope:
Star 7/10
Enthusiasm, we know, is infectious. We can also find ourselves annoyed by someone elses enthusiasm. We see their keenness or determination as admirable but prefer to be on the receiving end of either in very measured doses. You appear to have a very solid reason for feeling enthused or excited now. Try to be aware that certain others might only want to connect with it on a basic level!
Read more...Star 10/10
They say, never teach a pig to sing it only wastes your time and annoys the pig Presumably, they have attempted to do such a thing. If so, why? Even if teaching swines to croon doesnt appeal to you, consider how or why youre focusing effort to persuade someone of something they dont appear to be very receptive toward. Do your reasons for doing so suit you more than them? You can gain so much more now by being less persuasive - or forceful!
Read more...Star 8/10
Your ruler Venuss link with Jupiter is encouraging you to think big. In fact, its pushing you to give serious consideration to one of potentially many wild ideas because one or two of these could lead you toward making a very clever and timely move. What youll need to guard against this week and possibly beyond is a belief that bringing about a delightful and rewarding development requires forcefulness. Youve enough cosmic support to rule out the need for that.
Read more...Star 7/10
The year closes on an amazing note where love and romance are concerned as Mars influences this sector until the 19th. Once your ruling planet Venus enters the fray, a love/passion combination will take affairs of the heart to a whole new level. A Full Moon in your faraway places or learning sector could mark the end of a learning curve or litigation matter. Be prepared to work harder to communicate clearly with family members once Mercury goes retrograde on the 19th.
Read more...Star 10/10
The planetary energy gives your powers of observation a boost, while allowing you to notice with compassion what needs help. Have you been neglecting your exercise routine or diet lately? Has your self-image suffered from lack of self-care? You will notice things about yourself today, but the most important thing you can do is take action! There may be something symbolic you can do - such as buying a yoga mat or scheduling a massage- to commit to giving yourself greater care.
Read more...Star 7/10
Give in to your gentle side today. Where there is a tendency to eroticize, look further into your body and find the true need beneath the surface titillation. The astral energy is helping you address your needs. Do not be afraid to make changes that seem "irrelevant": if you dont like your yoga instructor, or you cant stand the gym where you belong, make a change! Things like this are best to clarify and act upon now, so that you dont end up punishing yourself in the long run.
Read more...Star 10/10
Try and slow down. Do your best not to let your working hours encroach on your leisure time. You seem determined to stick to a busy timetable. You dont always take the chance to get some necessary rest. You cant keep going at this pace every day. Let yourself be pampered now and then. Relax and do nothing, even if only for an hour or two.
Read more...Star 7/10
Neptune in your health sector indicates you should take a proactive approach to your well-being. Though tempting, its better not to go with the flow, as you may find that nothing changes. Think healthy thoughts and try to feel healthy in mind and body even if you dont feel quite up to par. Practicing this on a daily basis can be very helpful for keeping you in top condition. Once Mars enters this same zone, on December 19, you could be motivated to ring in those changes. Enjoy some sizzling soaks at a local spa and a few massages, too.
Read more...Star 9/10
You have strong feelings, but you usually prefer to talk about them rather than go with them. The energy emanating from the planets today may just tip the scales in this respect. If you are just starting to date someone special, you could get carried away by the atmosphere, the stars, the gleam in their eyes, their promises, your promises - just about anything. Who knows? It may even be good for you!
Read more...Star 8/10
Todays planetary configuration may ignite your thinking processes, but may not do an awful lot for your love life. You are feeling very independent and open to experimentation right now, and the thought of having to compromise or conform in any way in order to keep a relationship together may not appeal to you much. But this may be just a temporary phase, in case you are worried.
Read more...Star 7/10
The world is a big place, so dont get discouraged if you havent met your soul mate yet. Perhaps youve met the person already but havent recognized him or her as your perfect match. Your vision improves over the weekend, allowing you to see people in a whole new light. Remember that person you said no to a few months ago? Theyre back and looking better than ever. Decemberbe theres something there after all.
Read more...Star 8/10
You feel at home during the airy Mars/Jupiter trine on December 1, and youre as determined as ever to get what you want. You typically rely on fairness and graciousness when in hot pursuit - and it works - but theres nothing wrong with being aggressive now and then. The Gemini Full Moon (and Supermoon) brings some old romantic issues to a close on December 13. Getting a fresh start is just what the love doctor ordered. Its nice when hope replaces residual feelings of rejection. Uranus turns direct on December 26, allowing you to finally get some solid closure. Dont look back.
Read more...Star 9/10
You are in the catbirds seat today so take advantage of it. Interviews with potential employers today will go extremely well. There is no doubt that you will be able to convince anyone of anything even if you have no idea what youre talking about.
Read more...Star 8/10
You will have your fingers in many different pies today and this will lead to great success with regard in your job. Incorporate different ideas from different people and share the success. You can put the pieces together to create a masterpiece.
Read more...Star 10/10
This is a high-energy time for you. Trust your intuition. Your first impulse will usually be correct. Some people will be operating in a kind of idealistic haze. You may have to keep everyone focused on practical matters. Sharing food with co-workers can improve everyones attitude. This time is lucky for making contacts that could help you later. Its positive for a job interview. Hard work now will be recognized.
Read more...Star 9/10
A legal matter could be resolved toward the middle of December, allowing you to move forward with business. Youll be pleased with the result and it will be easier to broker the kinds of deals youve been longing to make for months. As this year draws to a close, youll be able to spend more time with your nearest and dearest. If you cant take a bona fide vacation, you might be able to work from home a few days a week. It will be a relief to escape a long commute and office politics. By New Years, youll feel refreshed and energized.
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